The Mentor DNA
The Core Attributes of a VMSA Mentor
When we talk about what makes someone a good Mentor for VMSA we often reference the “VMSA Mentor DNA”. Mentorship can come in different styles, formats and feels. In VMSA we take a specific approach to the mentorship process. Within this approach we believe there is a type of person - with certain traits, attributes, and characteristics - that is well-suited to play the role of Mentor on a VMSA team
So aside from having relevant entrepreneurship, business and leadership expertise, what is it that we look for in new VMSA Mentors? We have summarized the five key qualities in a person that make up what we call the Mentor DNA.
Desire to Give Back - VMSA Mentors have a strong desire to give back to their community by helping other people grow, develop and succeed. Fulfillment comes from a genuine interest in seeing others unlock their full potential and become better leaders for their business.
Humility - the understanding that while someone may hold a wealth of knowledge, information and expertise, their perspective is one of four at the table. VMSA Mentors understand that the “right answer” for them may not necessarily be the right answer for someone else. They’re open to sharing their perspective, listening to the perspectives of others, and helping the Mentee get to their own “right answer”.
VMSA Mentors are lifelong learners who see the value in understanding the experiences of others.Coach First - VMSA emphasizes a coaching approach to mentorship, and seeks out Mentors who are wanting to play the role of coach. Our primary role is not as advisors. We’re not here to tell people what they should do, or solve problems for them. Rather, our Mentors seek to ask the right questions that challenge mentees to think more critically, more deeply, and ultimately come to their own conclusions. While VMSA Mentors may dabble with advisory support when required, the default commitment is to the coaching approach.
VMSA Mentors commit to the coaching training and meeting format provided by VMSA in order to grow and develop their coaching and mentorship skills.Reflective & Introspective -we see the ability to reflect deeply on one's own successes, failures, strengths and weaknesses as a critical component of the VMSA mentorship process. We believe that if Mentors are going to ask mentees to reflect deeply on their leadership abilities and challenges, the Mentors themselves must be able to do the same.
Go Deeper - VMSA Mentors have the willingness and ability to ask the tough questions that drill down to the root of a mentee’s challenges. These questions can lead to difficult and uncomfortable conversations, but are often prerequisite to real growth and learning. VMSA Mentors are willing to go there. They are also willing to put the time into building the kind of trust-based relationship that creates an environment to explore these deeper questions.
Know someone who is interested in developing entrepreneurial leaders and fits the criteria? We’d love to meet them!